Question No.1
Why has Allaah created us?
To worship Him alone and to worship no other besides Him.
Evidence from the Noble Qur.aan
{And I have not created Jinn and human beings except they should worship Me}, {Soorah adh-Dhaariyaat, Aayah 56]
Evidence from the authentic Sunnah
«The right of Allaah upon slaves is to worship Him and not to associate partners with Him», Transmitted by al-Bukhaaree and Muslim]
Question No.2
How should we worship Allaah?
As Allaah and His Messenger commanded us.
Evidence from the Noble Qur.aan
{And they were commanded not, but that they should worship Allaah, and worship none but Him alone}, {Soorah al-Bayyinah, Aayah 5]
Evidence from the authentic Sunnah
«Whoever does any deed (in religion) which our matter in not in accordance with, it will not be accepted», [Transmitted by Muslim]
Question No.3
Should we worship Allaah with fear and hope?
Yes, we worship Him with fear and hope.
Evidence from the Noble Qur.aan
{And invoke Him with fear and hope}, {Soorah al-A'raaf, Aayah 56]
Evidence from the authentic Sunnah
«I beseech Allaah to grant me Paradise and I seek refuge in Him from Hellfire», [Transmitted by Abu Daawood]
Question No.4
What is Ihsaan (perfection in worship)?
Ihsaan is to be conscious that Allaah sees us during worship.
Evidence from the Noble Qur.aan
{Who sees you (O Muhammad) when you stand up (alone at night for Tahajjud prayer)}, {Soorah ash-Shu'araa, Aayah's 218]
Evidence from the authentic Sunnah
«Ihsaan is to worship Allaah as if you are seeing Him, yet truly He is seeing you», [Transmitted by Muslim]
Question No.5
Why did Allaah send the Messengers?
To call mankind to His worship and to reject the worship of anything besides Allaah.
Evidence from the Noble Qur.aan
{And verily We have sent among every nation a Messenger (proclaiming) worship Allaah alone and avoid Taaghoot (false deities)}, {Soorah an-Nahl, Aayah 36]
Evidence from the authentic Sunnah
«The prophets are brothers and their faith is one», [Transmitted by al-Bukhaaree and Muslim]
Question No.6
What is meant by (Tawheed) oneness of Allaah?
It means devoting worship to him alone like supplication, vow, judgment.
Evidence from the Noble Qur.aan
{So know (O Muhammad) that there is no God except Allaah}, {Soorah Muhammad, Aayah 19]
Evidence from the authentic Sunnah
«Let the first thing you invite them to do is to testify that none has the right to be worshipped but Allaah», [Transmitted by al-Bukhaaree and Muslim]
Question No.7
What is the meaning of there is no God but Allaah?
It means there is no deity that truly deserves to be worshipped except Allaah.
Evidence from the Noble Qur.aan
{That is because Allaah, He is the truth and that is which they invoke besides Him is al-Baatil (falsehood, Satan, and all other deities)}, {Soorah al-Hajj, Aayah 62]
Evidence from the authentic Sunnah
«Whoever says there is no God except Allaah and rejects whatever is worshipped besides Allaah, his property and blood become sacrosanct and his reckoning with Allaah , the Mighty and Exalted», [Transmitted by Muslim]
Question No.8
What is meant by oneness of names and attributes of Allaah?
To confirm the names and attributes as Allaah described them in His Book and as His Messenger described them in authentic Sunnah.
Evidence from the Noble Qur.aan
{There is nothing like unto Him and His the All-Hearer, the All-Seer}, {Soorah ash-Shooraa, Aayah 11]
Evidence from the authentic Sunnah
«Allaah descends each night to the first heaven», [Transmitted by Ahmad]
Question No.9
What is the benefit of monotheism (oneness of Allaah) to the Muslim?
Right guidance in this world and salvation from eternal punishment in the Hereafter.
Evidence from the Noble Qur.aan
{It is those who believe (in oneness of Allaah) and confuse not their belief with Thulm (wrong) by worshipping others besides Allaah) for them (only) there is security and they are guided}, {Soorah al-An'aam, Aayah 82]
Evidence from the authentic Sunnah
«The right of worshippers upon Allaah is that He will not punish those who worship none beside Him», [Transmitted by al-Bukhaaree and Muslim]
Question No.10
Where is Allaah?
Allaah is over the Throne which is above the seven heavens.
Evidence from the Noble Qur.aan
{ar-Rahmaan (The Merciful) Istawaa (rose over) the Throne}, {Soorah Taa Haa, Aayah 5]
Evidence from the authentic Sunnah
«Allaah wrote out in a book with Him over the throne that His Mercy preceded His Wrath», [Transmitted by al-Bukhaaree]
Question No.11
Is Allaah with us by His entity or knowledge?
Allaah with us by His knowledge, He hears and sees us.
Evidence from the Noble Qur.aan
{He (Allaah) said: Fear not, verily I am with you both, Hearing and Seeing}, {Soorah Taa Haa, Aayah 46]
Evidence from the authentic Sunnah
«You call upon the one Who hears, Who is near and is with you», [Transmitted by Muslim]
Question No.12
What is the greatest sin with Allaah?
It is the major Shirk (polytheism).
Evidence from the Noble Qur.aan
{Verily whoever sets partners with Allaah, then Allaah has forbidden paradise for him and the Fire will be his abode}, {Soorah al-Maa.idah, Aayah 72]
Evidence from the authentic Sunnah
«The Prophet was asked : what is the greater sin , he said: To ascribe partners to Allaah even though he created you», [Transmitted by al-Bukhaaree]
Question No.13
What is the major shirk (polytheism)?
It is to devote any forms of worship to one other than Allaah.
Evidence from the Noble Qur.aan
{Verily Allaah forgives not that partners should be set up with Him in worship, but He forgives except that to whom He pleases}, {Soorah an-Nisaa., Aayah 48]
Evidence from the authentic Sunnah
«The greatest sins are polytheism etc.», [Transmitted by Muslim]
Question No.14
What is the harm of major shirk?
The reason for eternity in Hellfire.
Evidence from the Noble Qur.aan
{Verily whoever assigns partners (commits Shirk) to Allaah, Allaah makes it impermissible for him to enter al-Jannah}, {Soorah al-Maa.idah, Aayah 72]
Evidence from the authentic Sunnah
«Whoever died while joining partners with Allaah (commits Shirk) enters Hellfire», [Transmitted by Muslim]
Question No.15
Are good deeds of any benefit to one who worships others besides Allaah?
No, good deeds are of no benefit to those who worship others besides Allaah.
Evidence from the Noble Qur.aan
{But if they had joined in worship others with Allaah, all that they used to do would have been of no benefit to them}, {Soorah al-An'aam, Aayah 88]
Evidence from the authentic Sunnah
«Who ever does any deed in which he associates partners with Me, I reject him and his Shirk», [Transmitted by Muslim]
Question No.16
Does Shirk exist among Muslims today?
Yes, it does exist.
Evidence from the Noble Qur.aan
{And most of them believe not in Allaah except that they attribute partners (unto Him)}, {Soorah Yoosuf, Aayah 106]
Evidence from the authentic Sunnah
«The doom Day will not occur until some tribes of my Ummah (Islamic nation) have joined the idolaters and they will even worship idols», [Transmitted by at-Tirmidhee]
Question No.17
What is ruling concerning praying (supplicating) to other than Allaah like the dead?
Praying to them is a major Shirk.
Evidence from the Noble Qur.aan
{Invoke not with Allaah another ilaah (God) Lest you be among those who receive punishment}, {Soorah ash-Shu'araa, Aayah 213]
Evidence from the authentic Sunnah
«Whoever dies having called upon partners besides Allaah shall enter Hellfire», [Transmitted by al-Bukhaaree]
Question No.18
Is supplication a form of worship?
Yes, supplication is worship.
Evidence from the Noble Qur.aan
{And your Lord said: Invoke Me, I will respond to your invocation}, {Soorah Ghaafir, Aayah 60]
Evidence from the authentic Sunnah
«Supplication is worship», [Transmitted by at-Tirmidhee]
Question No.19
Do dead hear our supplication?
No, they do not hear.
Evidence from the Noble Qur.aan
{But you can not make hear those who are in graves}, {Soorah Faatir, Aayah 22]
Evidence from the authentic Sunnah
«Allaah Has assigned angels to inform me of my nation salutation», [Transmitted by Ahmad]
Question No.20
Do we seek help from those who are dead, or from those who are not present?
No we do not seek help from, we rather seek help from Allaah.
Evidence from the Noble Qur.aan
{Remember when you sought help of your Lord, and He answered you}, {Soorah al-Anfaal, Aayah 9]
Evidence from the authentic Sunnah
«O Ever-Living, Self-Subsistent, upon Him all subsist, I seek help through Your Mercy», [Transmitted by at-Tirmidhee]
Question No.21
Is it permitted to seek help from any other besides Allaah?
No, it is not permitted.
Evidence from the Noble Qur.aan
{You (alone) we worship and you (alone) we ask for help}, {Soorah al-Faatihah, Aayah 5]
Evidence from the authentic Sunnah
«If you ask, ask of Allaah, if you seek help seek help of Allaah», [Transmitted by at-Tirmidhee]
Question No.22
May seek help from the living?
Yes, in the matters in which they are able to help.
Evidence from the Noble Qur.aan
{Help one another in al-Birr and at-Taqwa (virtue, righteousness)}, {Soorah al-Maa.idah, Aayah 2]
Evidence from the authentic Sunnah
«Allaah helps the worshipper as long as the worshipper helps his brother», [Transmitted by Muslim]
Question No.23
Is it allowed to make vows to other than Allaah?
No, it is not allowed to swear oaths except in Allaah's Name.
Evidence from the Noble Qur.aan
{O my Lord I have vowed to You what is in my womb to be dedicated for Your services}, {Soorah Aal-'Imraan, Aayah 35]
Evidence from the authentic Sunnah
«Whoever vows to obey Allaah should obey Him, and whoever vows to disobey Him should not disobey Him», [Transmitted by al-Bukhaaree]
Question No.24
Is it allowed to sacrifice in any name besides Allaah?
No, it is not allowed.
Evidence from the Noble Qur.aan
{Therefore turn in prayer to your Lord and sacrifice (to Him only)}, {Soorah al-Kowthar, Aayah 2]
Evidence from the authentic Sunnah
«Allaah curses whoever sacrifices and slaughters in any name other than Allaah», [Transmitted by Muslim]
Question No.25
Is it permitted to circumambulate the graves of pious men?
No, it is not allowed.
Evidence from the Noble Qur.aan
{And circumambulate the Ancient House (the Ka'bah in Makkah)}, {Soorah al-Hajj, Aayah 29]
Evidence from the authentic Sunnah
«Whoever circumambulate the House (Ka'bah) seven times and prays two rak'ah», [Transmitted by Ibn Maajah]
Question No.26
Is it allowed to pray while the grave is in front of you?
No, it is not allowed.
Evidence from the Noble Qur.aan
{So turn your face in the direction of al-Masjid al-Haraam}, {Soorah al-Baqarah, Aayah 144]
Evidence from the authentic Sunnah
«Don't sit on the graves and do not pray towards them», [Transmitted by Muslim]
Question No.27
What is the ruling in Islam concerning the practice of sihr (black magic/sorcery)?
The practice of sihr is considered an act of disbelief.
Evidence from the Noble Qur.aan
{But the Devils disbelieved, teaching men sihr (magic and such things)}, {Soorah al-Baqarah, Aayah 102]
Evidence from the authentic Sunnah
«Avoid seven destroyers: Shirk, sihr…», [Transmitted by Muslim]
Question No.28
Should we believe the claims of fortunetellers and soothsayers?
No, we should not believe them.
Evidence from the Noble Qur.aan
{Say: None in the heavens and the earth knows the Ghayb (unseen)}, {Soorah an-Naml, Aayah 65]
Evidence from the authentic Sunnah
«Whoever goes to a fortuneteller or soothsayer, and believe what they say, has disbelieved in what has been revealed to Muhammad», [Transmitted by Ahmad]
Question No.29
Does any one have the knowledge of the (unseen)?
No one but Allaah alone has the knowledge of the unseen.
Evidence from the Noble Qur.aan
{And with Him are the keys of Ghayb (unseen), none knows them but He}, {Soorah al-An'aam, Aayah 59]
Evidence from the authentic Sunnah
«No one has the knowledge of the unseen except Allaah», [Transmitted by at-Tabaraanee]
Question No.30
By what sources do the Muslims govern?
Muslims govern by laws laid down in the Qur.aan and authentic Ahadeeth.
Evidence from the Noble Qur.aan
{And so judge (you O Muhammad) between them by what Allaah has revealed}, {Soorah al-Maa.idah, Aayah 49]
Evidence from the authentic Sunnah
«Allaah is the judge and to whom is the return», [Transmitted by al-Bukhaaree and Muslim]
Question No.31
What is the ruling in Islam concerning applying non – Islamic laws?
It is an act of disbelief.
Evidence from the Noble Qur.aan
{And whosoever does not judge by what Allaah has revealed, such are the disbelievers}, {Soorah al-Maa.idah, Aayah 44]
Evidence from the authentic Sunnah
«When the leaders do not rule by Allaah's Book (Qur.aan) and choose the good from that which Allaah has revealed, Allaah will cause conflict among them», [Transmitted by Ibn Maajah]
Question No.32
Is it permitted to swear by other than Allaah's Name?
No, it is not permitted.
Evidence from the Noble Qur.aan
{Say: Yes! By my Lord you will certainly be resurrected}, {Soorah at-Taghaabun, Aayah 7]
Evidence from the authentic Sunnah
«Whoever swears by anyone other than Allaah, has associated partners with Allaah», [Transmitted by Ahmad]
Question No.33
Should we wear good luck charms (like amulets or talismans)?
No, we should not wear them.
Evidence from the Noble Qur.aan
{And if Allaah touches you with harm none can remove it but He}, {Soorah al-An'aam, Aayah 17]
Evidence from the authentic Sunnah
«Whoever wears an amulet has committed Shirk», [Transmitted by Ahmad]
Question No.34
Through what may we seek intercession with Allaah?
By His Names and Attributes.
Evidence from the Noble Qur.aan
{And (all ) the most beautiful Names belong to Allaah, so call on Him by them}, {Soorah al-A'raaf, Aayah 180]
Evidence from the authentic Sunnah
«I ask you by all your names, with which you wave named your self», [Transmitted by Ahmad]
Question No.35
Does any supplication to Allaah require a human intermediary?
No, prayer does not require a human intermediary.
Evidence from the Noble Qur.aan
{And when my slaves ask you (O Muhammad) concerning Me, then I am indeed near (to them by My knowledge)}, {Soorah al-Baqarah, Aayah 186]
Evidence from the authentic Sunnah
«You pray to the one who hears all and He is near and He is with you», [Transmitted by Muslim]
Question No.36
What is the mediation (waasitah) of the Messenger?
The mediation of the Messenger is the transmission of Allaah's Message.
Evidence from the Noble Qur.aan
{O Messenger (Muhammad) proclaim what has been sent down to you from your Lord}, {Soorah al-Maa.idah, Aayah 67]
Evidence from the authentic Sunnah
«Oh Allaah, have I proclaimed your message? Oh Allaah bear witness. (In response to the statement of the Sahaabah, "Indeed, we bear witness that you have proclaimed the message.")», [Transmitted by Muslim]
Question No.37
From whom may we seek the Messenger's intercession?
From Allaah alone.
Evidence from the Noble Qur.aan
{Say: To Allaah belongs all intercession}, {Soorah az-Zumar, Aayah 44]
Evidence from the authentic Sunnah
«Oh Allaah grant to him (the Prophet) intercession for me», [Transmitted by at-Tirmidhee]
Question No.38
How do we demonstrate our love for Allaah and his Messenger?
By obeying and following their commands.
Evidence from the Noble Qur.aan
{Say (O Muhammad to mankind) if you really love Allaah then follow me, Allaah will love you}, {Soorah Aal-'Imraan, Aayah 31]
Evidence from the authentic Sunnah
«None of you have perfect faith until you love me more than your parents, children, and all mankind», [Transmitted by al-Bukhaaree and Muslim]
Question No.39
Should we be excessive in our praise for the Messenger?
No, we should not be excessive in our praise to him.
Evidence from the Noble Qur.aan
{Say I am only a man like you. It has been inspired to me that your god is one ilaah (Allaah)}, {Soorah al-Kahf, Aayah 110]
Evidence from the authentic Sunnah
«Do not exaggerate in praising me, I am only a slave. So say Allaah's slave and Messenger», [Transmitted by al-Bukhaaree]
Question No.40
Who were the first creation?
From human being was Adam and from things was the pen.
Evidence from the Noble Qur.aan
{Remember when your Lord said to the angels truly I am going to create man from clay}, {Soorah Sa'd, Aayah 71]
Evidence from the authentic Sunnah
«The first thing created by Allaah was the pen», [Transmitted by at-Tirmidhee and Abu Daawood]
Question No.41
From what was Prophet Muhammad created?
He was created from Nutfah (drops of semen - male and female discharges).
Evidence from the Noble Qur.aan
{It is He Who created you (Adam) from dust, then from a Nutfah}, {Soorah Ghaafir, Aayah 67]
Evidence from the authentic Sunnah
«In every one of you, all components are created together in your mother's womb by 40 days», [Transmitted by al-Bukhaaree and Muslim]
Question No.42
What is the status of jihad for the sake of Allaah in Islam?
It is obligatory with lives, wealth and speech.
Evidence from the Noble Qur.aan
{March forth , whether you are light (being healthy, young and wealthy) or heavy (being ill, old and poor) strive hard with your wealth and your lives in the cause of Allaah}, {Soorah at-Towbah, Aayah 41]
Evidence from the authentic Sunnah
«Fight against the polytheisms with your wealth, lives and speech», [Transmitted by Abu Daawood]
Question No.43
What is Walaa (friendship and loyalty)?
Walaa (friendship and loyalty) is love and help of the faithful believers.
Evidence from the Noble Qur.aan
{The believers men and women are Awliyaa (helpers, supporters friends and protectors) of one another}, {Soorah at-Towbah, Aayah 71]
Evidence from the authentic Sunnah
«The faithful believers are as a brick structure, each supporting the other», [Transmitted by Muslim]
Question No.44
Is seeking the friendship and help of disbelievers permitted?
No, it s not permitted.
Evidence from the Noble Qur.aan
{And if any amongst you take them as Auliyaa then surely he is one of them}, {Soorah al-Maa.idah, Aayah 51]
Evidence from the authentic Sunnah
«The people of such and such clan are not my supporters (Awliyaa)», [Transmitted by al-Bukhaaree and Muslim]
Question No.45
Who is Walee (friend)?
A Walee is a true believer, who fears Allaah very much.
Evidence from the Noble Qur.aan
{Verily, Awliyaa of Allaah no fear shall come upon them nor shall they grieve}, {Soorah Yoonus, Aayah's 62-63]
Evidence from the authentic Sunnah
«My only Walee is Allaah then the most pious among the true believers», [Transmitted by al-Bukhaaree and Muslim]
Question No.46
Why did Allaah reveal the Qur.aan?
So as to apply it to our daily life.
Evidence from the Noble Qur.aan
{Follow what has been sent down to you from your Lord}, {Soorah al-A'raaf, Aayah 3]
Evidence from the authentic Sunnah
«Read Qur.aan and apply it, do not make your living from it», [Transmitted by Ahmad]
Question No.47
Is the Qur.aan alone sufficient for us without the Hadeeth (statements, actions, tacit approvals of the Prophet)?
No, it is not sufficient.
Evidence from the Noble Qur.aan
{And We have sent down unto you (O Muhammad ) the reminder and the advice (the Qur.aan) that you may explain clearly to men what is sent down to them, and that they may give thought}, {Soorah an-Nahl, Aayah 44]
Evidence from the authentic Sunnah
«Indeed I have been given Qur.aan and along with it that which is like it», [Transmitted by Abu Daawood]
Question No.48
Should we give priority to other opinions over the Word of Allaah and His Messengers?
No, we should not.
Evidence from the Noble Qur.aan
{Oh you who believe, do not be forward (hasten not to decide) in the presence of Allaah and His Messenger}, {Soorah al-Hujuraat, Aayah 1]
Evidence from the authentic Sunnah
«There is no obedience to the creatures if it means disobeying the Creator», [Transmitted by Ahmad]
Question No.49
What should we do if we differ in the religious matters?
We should refer to holy Qur.aan and authentic Sunnah.
Evidence from the Noble Qur.aan
{And if you differ in any thing amongst yourselves, refer back to Allaah and His Messenger}, {Soorah an-Nisaa., Aayah 59]
Evidence from the authentic Sunnah
«I am leaving two things with you, you will never go astray if you hold fast to them, and they are Allaah's Book and the Sunnah», [Transmitted by al-Bukhaaree and Muslim]
Question No.50
What is (al-bid'ah) innovation in religion?
It is any thing not based on evidence from Islamic law.
Evidence from the Noble Qur.aan
{Or have they partners with Allaah who have instituted for them a religion which Allaah has not allowed?}, {Soorah ash-Shooraa, Aayah 21]
Evidence from the authentic Sunnah
«Whoever adds something new in our matter (Islam), it will not be accepted», [Transmitted by al-Bukhaaree and Muslim]
Question No.51
Is there good innovation (bid'atun hasanatun) in religion?
No, there is no good innovation in religion.
Evidence from the Noble Qur.aan
{This day I have perfected your religion for you, completed my favour on you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion}, {Soorah al-Maa.idah, Aayah 3]
Evidence from the authentic Sunnah
«Beware of new things (in the matters of religion) for every new thing is innovation, every innovation is heresy and every heresy leads to Hellfire», [Transmitted by an-Nasaa.ee]
Question No.52
Is there such a thing as Sunnah Hasanah in Islam?
Yes, there is Sunnah Hasanah are good deeds (such as giving charity).
Evidence from the Noble Qur.aan
{And made us leaders of the Muttaqoon (the pious)}, {Soorah al-Furqaan, Aayah 74]
Evidence from the authentic Sunnah
«Whoever introduces a good practice into Islam, will have the reward for it and the reward of those who follow his practice thereafter, yet they will lose nothing of their reward», [Transmitted by Muslim]
Question No.53
Is it enough for a person to reform himself?
No, it is a duty on him to reform his relatives also.
Evidence from the Noble Qur.aan
{Oh you who believe! Ward off yourselves and your families against a Fire}, {Soorah at-Tahreem, Aayah 6]
Evidence from the authentic Sunnah
«Verily Allaah will ask every shepherd about his flock. Did he protect it or lose it?», [Transmitted by an-Nasaa.ee who declared it hasan]
Question No.54
When will Muslims be victorious?
When they apply Qur.aan and Sunnah (fully) in their lives.
Evidence from the Noble Qur.aan
{O you who believe! If you help in the cause of Allaah, He will help you, and make your foothold firm}, {Soorah Muhammed, Aayah 7]
Evidence from the authentic Sunnah
«There will always be a victorious group from my nation», [Transmitted by Ibn Maajah]
Shaykh Muhammad ibn Jameel Zeenoo